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Bicom 2000 User Manual

Clinical StudiesClinical StudiesBICOM Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) has beentested and approved throughout Europe and Canada, and it is in use in85 countries worldwide. In Germany, where it wasdeveloped by,BRT has been in use for over 25 years. The following scientific studieshave provided objective proof of its effectiveness, and hundreds ofthousands of patients have been helped for more than two decades.Download the filesdetailed below:AllergicDiseases StudyTitle: The Clinical Resultsof BICOM 2000 Bio-Resonance Device for Treatments of Allergic DiseasesSummary: The results show that the totaleffectiveness rate of this device in desensitization treatment reachesas high as 89% and total recovery rate is 78%. This study was conductedby Yuan Ze, Huang Jiali, Wang Haiyan and Yu Chunyan (Department ofPediatrics of Xi’an Central Hospital, Xi’an)AsthmaStudyTitle: ClinicalObservations of 300 Children Suffering from Asthma Treated with BICOM2000 Bio-Resonance DeviceSummary: From May to December of 2003, theAsthma Research Center of Jinan Children’s Hospital introduced theGerman manufactured BICOM ® 2000 to treat 415 children suffering fromasthma, 300 of whom were treated with the desensitization method.

Bicom 2000 User ManualManual

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Thetotal effectiveness rate reaches as high as 93.3%.AllergicSkin Diseases StudyTitle: Clinical Observationof 79 Cases of Allergic Skin Diseases Treated with BICOM 2000Bio-Resonance DeviceSummary: This article reports the clinicalobservation of 79 cases of allergic skin diseases treated with BICOM ® 2000 bio-resonance device. After tests anddesensitization treatments were administered, the total effectivenessrate is 89.9% and recovery rate is 74.7%. Study was conducted by YangJinzhi, The Department of Allergy of Jinan Children’s HospitalAmphibianStudyTitle: Transfer ofmolecular information using a bioresonance instrument (BICOM) inamphibian trials (controlled blind study)Summary: Two independent double-blind studies,performed in Austriaand Italy,demonstrated that bioinformation can be scanned and transferred by abioresonance instrument (BICOM). The metamorphosis of tadpoles could begreatly slowed down by transferring information from a toxic solutionof the hormone thyroxin to the aquarium water in a number of paralleltrials.BowelStudyTitle: Noteworthy TherapyResults in Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases with the Aid of BICOMBioresonance – Are ulcerative colitis and Morbus Crohn (Ileitisterminalis) really incurable diseases?Summary: The etiopathogenesis of chronicinflammatory bowel diseases, which are increasing in frequency similarto diseases with displaced symptoms, is, according to medical science,unclear to this day. But their latest investigations allow thesupposition of a multifactorial genetic disposition. A causal relationbetween dietary factors and the possibility of curing these boweldiseases is so far being considered as scientifically unproved. MorbusCrohn and ulcerative colitis are currently classified as chronic,incurable diseases, which patients have to contend with for theirentire lives.LiverStudyTitle: Prospectiverandomised study to check the results of treatment using endogenouselectromagnetic fields, in the case of slight liver cell damageSummary: The aim of the present trial was tocheck, using a defined clinical picture, whether measurable changes inbiochemical parameters could be induced by bioresonance treatment.

Agroup of patients with chronic liver disease was selected for thispurpose and the target criterion was a reduction in the activity ofenzymatic indicators of liver damage (GOT, GPT, gamma-GT) in the bloodof treated patients as compared with a non-treated control group.